Place two electrode pads close to muscle origin, and two close to the insertion, working the anterior, middle and posterior fibres.
To work the entire deltoid muscle, place a proximal electrode pad in the anterior fibre origin, one in the middle fibre origin and another in the posterior. Complement this by placing the distal electrode pads in the insertion of each fibre.Depending on the sport practiced and type of training schedule, select the method that best suits you.

The deltoid muscle.

The deltoid muscle covers the shoulder, and is made up of three sets of fibres, anterior, middle and posterior, each one performing a different action.

The anterior fibres are involved in the flexing of the shoulder, and help internal rotation of the shoulder.

The middle fibres are involved in shoulder abduction.

The posterior fibres are involved in arm extension.

For a sport that requires intensive use of the arm, deltoid muscle performance can be enhanced with electro stimulation.

The deltoid is relied upon for sports requiring use of the upper body. Precisely because it is a muscle where electro stimulation is not usually applied we highly recommend applying this treatment.

The deltoid tuberosity is the region on the shaft of the humerus to which the deltoid muscle attaches. The deltoid anterior fibres attach themselves to the proximal third of the clavicle, the middle section to the external border of the acromion and the posterior fibres to the posterior border of the scapula spine. Shoulder abduction is severely affected if the deltoids are weak. The muscle is essential to arm movement as it acts as a motor or an active synergist. It has an important function, to stabilize arm movement and ensures the movement of other muscles to perform motoric functions in the arm.