Where are your products produced?
All products are developed in Europe, in cooperation with hospitals, universities and sport scientists (depending on the product).
As soon as a product is sold in bigger quantities, the production is done in China or Korea. However, these suppliers are working with us since many years. Our manufacturers do not look for the cheapest supplier, their focus is on quality.
How do you compare yourself to your competition?
We are a private owned company, no credits from banks, no shareholders outside of the management. We do not need to make money for investors. We are independent and can follow our own ethical rules. We prefer to be small, grow slowly and being honest.
The products we are selling need to be useful for therapeutic needs. The R+D must be thoroughly, test must be made before marketing, best components used and a high level quality management are a must if a supplier wants to get listed his products in our company. There are competitors who work similar; they also maintain a high level. We consider ourselves as one of these very correct working companies.
We never sell products which are attractive to the customer, only for the price.
Our aim is:
Quality with a good quality-price relationship
If you have any comments, critics or positive comments to our internet page, please let us know and write to
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Unsere Produkte haben alle die üblichen 2 Jahre Garantie.
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